Home Elevation New Orleans
If you live in
New Orleans, then flooding is not a new concept for you. If your home has flooded before, then you know how much damage water can do. It only takes a few inches of water in your home to turn your entire life around. Depending on your location and home, house raising may be a viable option in protecting your home. Before considering this option, there are few questions that need to be answered:
- What is the likelihood of your home flooding? Since Hurricane Katrina, the state of Louisiana has made considerable effort in increasing flood protection to the city of New Orleans. New levees have been built, and existing levees have been fortified and raised. Check with your local agency to monitor the risk of your home flooding.
- Have you been flooded before? If so, then when? If you are in a low-lying area or area where heavy rain could possibly flood your home or has done so before, then raising your home could be an option, although all other possible solutions should be looked into.
- Do you plan on staying in your home? House raising is an expensive undertaking and may not feasible if you do not expect to stay in your home for an extended amount of time.
Raising your home will bring value to your home but may take a long time to get a return on your investment.
There are other reasons besides flood protection to raise your home. Raising your home can provide needed extra space. Many people use this space to add a garage or other types of storage. Raising your home can also add square footage to your home, much like adding a second story, while providing flood protection.
Most houses can be raised. Yes, even your concrete slab house can be raised. There are two ways your foundation contractor, like the experts at Orleans Foundation Repair, can raise a concrete slab home.
- Slab Separation- In this process, the current house structure is detached from the existing foundation and raised above its final resting height. The structure is supported and shored while the new foundation is built below. Once the new foundation is completed, the house is lowered down onto the new foundation and secured. This method requires that sheetrock and possible exterior sheathing be removed to access the wood structure of your home. This is not the preferred method of Orleans Foundation Repair but is an option available for use if needed.
- Slab Raise- This method consists of tunneling under the house and placing hydraulic jacks at key locations and raising the house slowly and level to reduce damage to interior and exterior walls and floors. Although this is not guaranteed, the process is less invasive than a slab separation. During this process, all landscaping and flat work will be disturbed and be in need of repair. These repairs will be built into the cost of your home elevation